
Lincroft Village Green Association

Our Mission

The Lincroft Village Green Association is a civic organization of community volunteers committed to quality of life issues in the village of Lincroft, including traffic calming, safer vehicular and pedestrian circulation, historic preservation, and beautification.


The Lincroft Village Green Association was established in May, 1999 as a small group of concerned residents who organized in order to block the sale and development of one of the last remaining open parcels of land in the village of Lincroft. The land, which is located on Newman Springs Road across from the Lincroft Commons Shopping Center, was zoned for commercial development. The group quickly developed a strategy to bring their pursuit to the forefront and, through various means, including a petition with over 2000 signatures, established contacts with local, county and state government officials. As a result of their determination and untiring efforts, the Lincroft Village Green Association, along with the help and support of the Middletown Township Committee, successfully rescued the parcel of land which is now preserved as open space…for all to enjoy.

"Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success."~ Henry Ford


To reduce speed limits throughout the main routes of the village

To implement traffic calming measures throughout the village (mid-block crossing, center islands, highly-visible crosswalks and additional roundabouts)
To improve parking and vehicular safety within the central village
To strengthen the sense of community through village meetings and social events
To create relationships among the residents and the business community
To create alternate routes to relieve traffic through Lincroft

To improve pedestrian safety in the village through the building of new sidewalks and crosswalks where needed

To continue to implement improvements to the Lincroft Village Green including a stage and restrooms

To block or reduce the impact of new commercial developments
To assist Lincroft neighborhoods in improving their quality of life
To erect a 'Welcome to Lincroft' sign at the Normandy Road overpass island on Newman Springs Rd.


Meetings are held the second Wednesday of each month.
Please email directorlvga@gmail.com for the location.  


  • Brookdale 6 acre tract of land rescued from commercial development and dedicated as open space
  • Worked with township in designing, building, and funding the new park
  • Organized resources for the construction of bocce court at the park and hosted Bocce Day at the Park
  • Planned and organized fundraising activities to supplement funding for the new park, including three Community Yard Sales, the Bill Harley Concert and three 'Afternoon of Polo' events
  • Solicited donations for an advertising journal that the LVGA has written and distributed at all fundraising events
  • Planned and organized the Annual Picnic in the Park including a Tom Chapin Concert in 2007
  • Secured over 2,000 signatures and assembled over 300 people at a county meeting in opposition to the widening of Newman Springs and Middletown Lincroft Roads.  Instrumental in stopping a widening of Newman Springs Road in front of Lincroft School
  • Persuaded county to table controversial "road improvement" projects (jug handles, road widening, traffic signals) at Brookdale Community College entrances on Newman Springs and Phalanx Roads
  • Hired a private consultant who was instrumental in convincing the county to build a roundabout on Newman Springs Road at the Brookdale Community College entrance
  • Successfully petitioned the County to incorporate a “dedicated pedestrian phase” at Hurley’s Lane/Newman Springs Road traffic light
  • Convinced township officials to install blinking school lights on Newman Springs Road
  • Successfully petitioned Middletown Township to pass a resolution regarding a study for creating Garden State Parkway Interchange 107
  • Worked with NJTransit to secure a second bus shelter and replace the existing bus shelter on Newman Springs Road
  • Involved in an advisory capacity in the central village streetscaping project (Lincroft Village Task Force)
  • Involved in organizing the restoration of Lincroft historical cemeteries
  • Convinced county authorities to temporarily lower the speed limit on Swimming River Road to 35MPH
  • Collected over 1000 signatures in a petition opposing the expansion of Republic Services (Marpal) and the truck traffic it would create
  • Met with the Two River Mayors Council, the NJDOT and the Turnpike Authority to encourage the study of creating better GSP/Rt 18 connections, alternate routes for trucks and an additional Rt 18 exit at Laird Road.
  • Participated in the 2007 CR520 Task Force formed by the Monmouth County Engineering Department
  • Created a website and email system to provide information for our members
  • Granted and beautified the first Monmouth County Adopt a Site at the Normandy Road overpass of Newman Springs Rd
  • Successfully began (in 2009) an annual Candidates Night before the fall elections
  • Incorporated and grown to over 900 members

The Lincroft Village Green Association filed a charter as a non-profit corporation on May 11, 2001 under the laws of New Jersey. It is a civic association and is registered under Sec. 501c(4) of the Internal Revenue Code. We operate in accordance with our By-Laws. Its membership has grown to over 900 residents and the LVGA continues to actively work for the benefit of the Lincroft community