Lincroft Village Green Association


Traffic & Historic Preservation:

  • 1999 Saved a parcel of land from becoming a strip mall which is now known as The Village Green Park.
  • Orchestrated a land swap between the county and township to gain open space for the park and have room for the roundabout and slip lanes by the entrance of BCC.
  • Hired and funded private consultant, roundabout expert Michael Wallwork, who was instrumental in convincing the Cty to build a roundabout on NSR at the entrance to BCC.
  • Worked with Middletown and Monmouth Cty in an advisory capacity to obtain grant for streetscaping project to beautify Lincroft.
  • Led opposition to County's plan to widen NSR and MLR.  Instrumental in stopping a widening in from of Lincroft Elementary School.
  • Met with NJDOT, Turnpike Authority and the Two River's Mayor's Council to encourage the study of creating better GSP/Rt 18 connection, alternative routes for trucks and an additional Rt. 18 exit at Laird Rd to reduce traffic through Lincroft.
  • Participated in 2007 520 Task Force with the County, Township and BCC officials, business owners and residents to bring positive change to the road conditions in Lincroft.
  • Opposed Township's recommendation to build 375 housing units at Avaya. Demonstrated to the Planning and Zoning Boards the faults and they agreed to reduce the number of units, height of the buildings, safety of interior roadways, and impact on Jumping Brook and property wetlands.
  • 2009 LVGA granted the first Monmouth County Adopt a Site at the Normandy Rd. overpass on NSR. The area is beautified and maintained by LVGA volunteers as an area that welcomes travelers to Lincroft and helps calm traffic on the busy NSR.
  • 2018 Raised $20k to pay for a well and sprinkler system at the Village Green Park.
  • Advocated for 25 years for the construction of a two-way Acme Road and the resulting closure of driveways on NSR. The Acme Road has been approved.

Pedestrian Safety:

  • Convinced Twp officials to install blinking school lights on NSR at Lincroft Elementary School to slow traffic.
  • 2001 Petitioned County to incorporate a dedicated pedestrian phase at Hurley Lane/NSR traffic light crosswalk.
  • Participated in Monmouth County Division of Planning's Barriers to Mobility Study by attending workshop meetings.
  • Participated in Monmouth County Master Plan meetings
  • Advocated for the construction of a roundabout at the Phalanx Road entrance to Brookdale Community College. The project has received approval and funding, and is slated to be built in 2025.
  • Advocated with Monmouth County Parks System and County Commissioners to construct two bridges at CBA and Cross Farm Park to complete the 4.5 mile Thompson Park pedestrian path loop. 2007
  • Directors attend Township Meetings when topics of interest pertain to Lincroft.

Community Engagement:

  • 2001-2005 Fundraising for the Park. Raised 80k for stamped concrete, benches, landscaping and bocce court. The new park, known as The Village Green opened in 2005.
  • Annual Clean the Green since 1999
  • Annual Halloween event since 2018
  • Annual Community Yard Sale since 2004
  • Annual Clothing drive since 2004
  • Annual Easter Egg Hunt event since
  • Annual Brewery Fundraiser events since 2020 (Red Tank, Birdsmouth, Jug Handle)
  • Holiday Tree and Menorah Lighting events - board members privately funded both the tree and menorah
  • Picnic in the Park featuring Tom Chapin
  • Formed a Garden Club for beautification of the Green.
  • Ran 9 successful Candidates Night in conjunction with the League of Women Voters
  • LVGA awards two $500 scholarships to MHSS students 2015-2022
  • LVGA ran Lincroft Eats Food Truck Festival at BCC as a fundraiser 2016 & 2017
"Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success."~ Henry Ford

The Lincroft Village Green Association filed a charter as a non-profit corporation on May 11, 2001 under the laws of New Jersey. It is a civic association and is registered under Sec. 501c(4) of the Internal Revenue Code. We operate in accordance with our By-Laws. Its membership has grown to over 900 residents and the LVGA continues to actively work for the benefit of the Lincroft community