
Exit 109 - Development Plan - 340 Housing Units and Starbucks.

Exit 109 – Development Plan – 340 Housing Units and Starbucks. 
The LVGA is communicating with Save Our Swimming River to notify members when the applicant is given a Planning Board Meeting date for the subdivision and site plan approvals public hearing.  They are seeking 340 residential units, associated parking, amenities and road improvements, along with a DRIVE-THRU Starbucks restaurant with 50 indoor seats.  The Planning Board letter and photographs of the site plan are available here.

In 2022, the Middletown Planning Board recommended that River Centre South at Exit 109 be designated as an area in need of redevelopment.  To address the township’s affordable housing obligations, Middletown amended the Housing Plan Element of their Master Plan to permit apartments at the site.  The Conceptual Site Plan includes 340 units: 306 market rate and 34 affordable.  When completed, the plan will require NJDEP and the Middletown and Monmouth County Planning Boards’ approvals. A group of neighbors named Save Our Swimming River have petitioned to protect the sensitive ecosystem and endangered species of the Swimming River that borders the property.  The LVGA will continue to share information about meetings related to the application.  To learn more, contact [email protected] or go to Facebook: